Translation services2020-11-23T15:45:39+03:00

Professional Translations

Our experience in translations in over 63 languages can help you communicate with anyone around the globe


Professional translations and specialized translations

We provide professional translation services for any type of document, including specialised language documents.

If you need us to, we can legalise your document and send it back to you quickly.

And all of this can happen online, saving precious time.

I want a professional translation

AB Translation Process

It’s very simple: you contact us, send us the document to translate and we make an audit of translation difficulty and a cost estimate.

You give us the go-ahead and we start the translation process. We review it twice, finalise it and send it to you.

We care a lot about follow-up, where we offer you our support and make any necessary modifications. All for a perfect translation.

I want a professional translation

Related Services

AB Traduceri - Favicon 24X24  Desktop Publishing (DTP) – if you send us a graphic document, we embed the translation right into the image

AB Traduceri - Favicon 24X24  Legalised translations – we can legalise at the public notary any translation you need

AB Traduceri - Favicon 24X24  Localisation – translation made by a local, native speaker

AB Traduceri - Favicon 24X24  Translation Reviewing

AB Traduceri - Favicon 24X24  Translation Apostilling

AB Traduceri - Favicon 24X24  Reviewing translations by another translator

AB Traduceri - Favicon 24X24  Adjusting the communication style according to your needs

Translation experience in numerous fields of work

Irrespectively of the industry you operate in, we can provide you with professional translations.

We have proven experience in over 20 fields, including the following.

I want a specialised translation
Traduceri autorizate juridice


Traduceri autorizate documente oficiale

Public Administration

Traduceri autorizate medicale


Traduceri autorizate Marketing


Traduceri autorizate tehnice


Traduceri autorizate Resurse Umane

Human Resources

Traduceri autorizate financiare

Finance & Banking

Traduceri autorizate IT


Why translate with us

Our experience helps us to treat every project with maximum efficiency and fairness.

We collaborate with over 500 accredited translators and advanced translation technology.

Years’ experience
Satisfied clients
Translated pages
Loyal associates

The reliability, promptitude and expertise of AB Translations showed us that this company has the management and the necessary experience in order to successfully operate in this field, for which we recommend their services to other interested companies, as well.

Business Service Category Manager, multinational company, energy field
Traduceri in orice limba si domeniu de activitate
I want a professional translation

Tell us about your translation project!

+4 0755 872 382

[email protected]

Str. Vasile Lascar 192, Ground floor, Ap. 1, Sector 2, Bucharest, Romania

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An AB Translations consultant will contact you with a quotation and will answer all your questions.